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Opportunities for students to get involved

The Legacy Project for All

The Legacy Project of Stark mentoring program will meet at Fairless Middle School during Falcon Time and lunch once a week throughout the school year. During that time, two volunteer mentors who have undergone a background check and training will meet with up to 6 students. The program follows a curriculum that is designed to help students form connections with their peers and their mentors while participating in fun activities, challenges, and games. The goal of the program is to improve self-esteem, assist in setting and reaching goals, and increase positive decision making and resiliency. Direct any questions to Mrs. Class at or feel free to visit their website to learn more about this program: 


NextGen - Fairless

Next Gen-Fairless is an after-school ministry held on Tuesdays, 2:40-4:15pm at the Middle School. It is provided by Reformation Bible Church in Beach City. Each week there will be fun activities, snacks, time for homework help, a Bible lesson, and small group discussions. Permission slips are available in the FMS office and on the FMS website. Please note, there is limited space for this, so be sure to sign up if you’re interested! 

Click here for a permission slip.


Team Falcon -

Team Falcon is an after-school program held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:37-4:30pm at FMS. Its focus is teaching leadership, social & team building skills & responsibility through games and fun activities. There will be a time provided for students to work on homework and a snack will be provided. Students are required to have transportation home. Permission slips are available in the FMS office and on the FMS website. For more information please contact Amanda Moore, Pathway case manager at See her letter to parents here.

Click here for a permission slip.


Student Council/Student Leadership Academy (SLA)

Student Council/SLA is an organization that represents Fairless Middle School Students. Members will participate in a variety of activities throughout the school year. Student Council/SLA members will follow the Falcon Way and lead by example. There is an application process that must be completed in total to be considered. These students will represent FMS in a countywide effort to embrace diversity and provide equity in all aspects of our school community. Please email Mrs. Frase at luanne.frase@fairless.sparcc or Mrs. Knop at

Click here for an application.


Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run (GOTR) inspires girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them unique. Trained coaches lead teams through a research-based curriculum that includes discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in grades 6-8 develop essential skills to help them navigate through challenges and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event. GOTR is held on Mondays and Fridays starting the week of September 2, 2019 through November 8, 2019, with 5K event on November 9th. There is a fee associated with this activity, but no girl will be turned away! Parent/Guardian must provide transportation. Contact Julie Feucht, Teacher, with questions.


Zones Group

Falcon Volunteers

FMS Musical

FMS Talent Show